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SP-MEx no Brasil

Para: Governo Federal e Instituições Internacionais relacionadas à Educação. Agricultura Urbana Biológica, Arte e Cultura.

Há pelo menos dois tipos de misérias que fere a sociedade brasileira e a do mundo todo: a que atinge só os financeiramente menos favorecidos, os pobres, que é a material; e a que atinge pobres e ricos, que é a miséria ética, a miséria moral. O projeto SP-MEx pretende amenizar as duas misérias, embora seu foco maior seja produzir alimentos biológicos de alto valor nutritivo para crianças comprovadamente desfavorecidas numa ou nas duas dimensões citadas há pouco.

O projeto SP-MEX, sigla para "Showroom Permanente e Modelo Experencial", tem como tema principal práticas e tecnologias ética e ecologicamente corretas. Trata-se de um local interdisciplinar e multifuncional, um centro agroecológico, com uma aparência de uma praça-escola. Uma praça com ambiente semi-controlado, coberta e com entrada supervisionada, já que produz alimento de origem vegetal e animal de qualidade, além de ser um ambiente educativo, profissionalizante, artístico e cultural. A inspiração é italiana e pliniana; e alinha o público ao privado, o social ao lucrativo e o produtivo ao belo.

O projeto foi desenhado por André Luís Roque Cardoso em 2004 como BSG (Brasil na Serra Gaúcha). O BSG tinha outro formato: embora também visando a segurança preventiva, era exatamente uma praça, aberta, priorizando motivar comportamentos éticos por meio de um ambiente sofisticado e romântico. O SP-MEx, formato de janeiro de 2017, prioria agricultura biológica urbana e aspectos educacionais correlatos. E, assim, a esfera turística que tinha o BSG foi trocada pelo reforço na dimensão produtiva mais propriamente social no SP-MEx; e, assim, o ambiente totalmente aberto foi modificado para o semi-controlado, com horários para visitas e segurança policial.

O que se quer, antes de tudo é produzir e fornecer a crianças carentes em escolas municipais alimento de altíssima qualidade para o seu melhor desenvolvimento cognitivo e físico possível.

A primeira petição, após apreciada e aprovada pelo SETREM em Piracicaba, foi colocada no site E todos os ligados à área estão convidados a somar neste projeto como puderem.

Palavras-chaves: educação, arte, cultura, agricultura orgânica, agroecologia, aquicultura, psicultura, aquaponia, projeto social, economia social, microalgas, plantas medicianais, moringa oleífera, frutíferas, flores comestíveis, música clássica, arquitetura ecológica, arquitetura ética.

Contato: [email protected] e [email protected]


ENGLISH - Why this is important?

THIS "BELOW-SIGNED" petition IS LIKE A LIST OF PRESENCE THAT YOU HAVE CONSCIOUSNESS OF WHAT IS SP-MEx: an alignment between the beautiful and the practical; between the social and the lucrative; between the public and the private.

The project is good, comprehensive, smart and workable. But we need your support to be fulfilled. It has already been appreciated in Piracicaba -SP - and now goes through the budget phase, to be definitively approved and scheduled to be held by the Ministry in Brasilia.

Everyone knows that Brazil is a continental country and has a strong agrarian and agricultural vocation. It is the most agriculturally rich country in the world, not to mention its other natural riches, including being over-profuse in potable water and having, for example, self-sustaining oil and the world's largest niobium reserve. Also, on the other hand, it is one of the most violent and unjust, with one of the most malnourished, bad-educated populations ... Health goes from bad to worse. Most politicians are ashamed of it. We have got to the bottom of the well, though there is room to make matters worse. It is as if there were a "secret door", a trapdoor, for more rottenness and suffering.

So we think of a solution. As the problems are many and in varied sectors, we will stick to at least two: proper nutrition and better behavior. From who? One has to think about everyone, but it is inevitable that one thinks more especially of the less fortunate.


We need to think of an environment accessible to everyone that is interdisciplinary. But not only interdisciplinary. It also needs to have several functions: to attract visitors, to gather residents, to teach, to please (leisure), to produce food and energy - and all this in an very ethical, ecological way. Why environment? Architecture is the art that most influences human behavior, followed by Music. Therefore, if associated with good music and good nutrition, we have the maximized chances of good results. Especially when talking about children and structuring families, bases of society and our main focus of work.

What I am sending you is a project that aligns education, production of food of high quality, pleasant environment, art and culture.

In short, the area is School in Garden, Square-School, especially located in needy neighborhoods. Yards that are at the same time a place of production of food and school with amphitheater and stage for musical performances that are worth it, that have as an objective so to pacify as to increase social intelligence). Which means we intend to spread this behaviors: unity, unit, cooperation, diligence (working with joy), creativity, innovation, perfectibility, honesty, entrepreneurship ...

This petition is for the realization of such project SP-MEx in Brazil, addressed to the Federal Government. I signed it; and I'm spreading it by recognizing something really good in it.
Do you want to join us? I would like you to join us, for, as said above, about a very important subject and your help will be of great value.

I started thinking about projects like this since I was a child, and especially when I met a group called the Heralds of the Gospel and after living in Italy and studing human behavior and when I returned to Brazil.
Include in this form your e-mail for the President of the Republic who, in the case of Brazil, has the last word.

Here is the title of this original petition in bold: Federal Government: we want SP-MEx school yards all over Brazil.

What is letters of acronym SP-MEx? SP refers to "Permanent Showroom" and "MEx" to the Experimental Model. Because it is a place of concrete proof; and not of mere publicity of technologies and practices. When I thought of SP-MEx, I thought of it as a place semi-controlled environment, watched by security cameras and police presence, producing food of animal origin (fish) and vegetable origin (vegetables, medicinal plants, flowers), gas and solar energy; and a place for presentations, motivational and guidance lectures, culture of union and pratical classes for food's production. The sketch can be sent by e-mail to SEMTRE (Municipal Secretary of Labor and Income of Piracicaba).


1. Urban Organic Agriculture (not only organic, but with an interest in adequate mineralization);
2. Architecture that inspires intelligence, practicality, joy of living and co-living, unity, cooperation, harmony with nature (respect and interest in learning from it), serenity, combativeness, sense of order, cleanliness and nobility of treatment.
3. Music quality, consistent with the values of architecture. The Family is an institution that must be protected and maintained in the highest possible health.

Thanks for the attention,
Stay with God,
A strong hug!
André Luís Roque Cardoso

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