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Abaixo-assinado Preservation of "Aldeia Maracanã" and its gardens

Para: Excelentíssimo Senhor Sérgio de Oliveira Cabral Santos Filho M.D. Governador do Estado do Rio de Janeiro Excelentíssimo Senhor Sr. Eduardo Paes M.D. Prefeito do Município do Rio de Janeiro Excelentíssimo Senhor Cláudio Soares Lopes M.D. Procurador-Geral de Justiça do Estado do Rio de Janeiro Excelentíssimo Senhor Carlos Eduardo Santos Wanderley M.D. Defensor Público-Chefe / DPU Rio de Janeiro Excelentíssima Senhora Cristina Lodi M.D. Superintendente do Iphan – Rio de Janeiro Excelentíssima Senhora Adriana Rattes M.D. Secretária de Estado de Cultura – Rio de Janeiro

Excelentíssimo Senhor Sérgio de Oliveira Cabral Santos Filho
M.D. Governador do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Excelentíssimo Senhor Sr. Eduardo Paes
M.D. Prefeito do Município do Rio de Janeiro

Excelentíssimo Senhor Cláudio Soares Lopes
M.D. Procurador-Geral de Justiça do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Excelentíssimo Senhor Carlos Eduardo Santos Wanderley
M.D. Defensor Público-Chefe / DPU Rio de Janeiro

Excelentíssima Senhora Cristina Lodi
M.D. Superintendente do Iphan – Rio de Janeiro

Excelentíssima Senhora Adriana Rattes
M.D. Secretária de Estado de Cultura – Rio de Janeiro

We, friends of the Brazilian citizens gathered around the preservation of the historical building known as "Aldeia Maracanã", kindly request your attention for the legislation hereby cited: Based in Art 1 of the Law by decree No. 25 of November 30, 1937, which states: "They are the historical and artistic heritage of all the movable and immovable property in the country and whose conservation is of public interest, by both its belonging to the memory of the history of Brazil, and for its exceptional archaeological or ethnographical, art or literature ", we Brazilians citizens and foreign friends undersigned, hereby request Your Excellency to suspend immediately the demolition order of the building erected in 1862, also known as the Indian Museum, as well as the protection of its site, gardens and trees.?The building was part of the official residences of the Brazilian Empire and housed Marshal Rondon. It also Hosted the Funai and from 1953, and was transformed by the anthropologist Darcy Ribeiro into the headquarters of the Indian Museum. In 1978, with the transfer of the Indian Museum to its Botafogo quarters the building was abandoned by the authorities. We ask for its preservation in consideration of its historical memory and its social, economic and cultural importance for the city of Rio de Janeiro and for Brazil.?It is possible that such an important building be integrated into the new urban ambience that is being proposed, considering its cultural, educational and social legacy, that will help thousands of Brazilians the tourism industry of this town. Sir, we also remember the Article 216 of the Federal Constitution of 1988, that states:

"Art 216. Brazilian cultural heritage is built on assets of material and immaterial nature, taken individually or together, bearing reference to the identity, action and memory of the various groups that form the Brazilian society, which include:

...V - urban complexes and  sites of notable historical, landscape, artistic, archaeological, paleontological, ecological and scientific character.?
...§ 1 - The Government, with the collaboration of the community, will promote and protect the Brazilian cultural heritage through inventories, records, surveillance, preservation, expropriation, and other forms of protection and preservation.".


Qual a sua opinião?

Abaixo-assinado Preservation of "Aldeia Maracanã" and its gardens, para Excelentíssimo Senhor Sérgio de Oliveira Cabral Santos Filho M.D. Governador do Estado do Rio de Janeiro Excelentíssimo Senhor Sr. Eduardo Paes M.D. Prefeito do Município do Rio de Janeiro Excelentíssimo Senhor Cláudio Soares Lopes M.D. Procurador-Geral de Justiça do Estado do Rio de Janeiro Excelentíssimo Senhor Carlos Eduardo Santos Wanderley M.D. Defensor Público-Chefe / DPU Rio de Janeiro Excelentíssima Senhora Cristina Lodi M.D. Superintendente do Iphan – Rio de Janeiro Excelentíssima Senhora Adriana Rattes M.D. Secretária de Estado de Cultura – Rio de Janeiro foi criado por: Aldeia Maracanã.
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